Step 1 of 3

Your Company Details * Required fields.

Affiliation/member of a chamber/entrepreneurs organization Membership organization not listed? Contact us to add your membership organization.

Contact Details url example:

Include country code, ex: +85299999999
Include country code, ex: +85299999999

Your Pin/Location on Google Maps

If you cannot locate your address with text, click on the map and see if you can find your street. If so, please validate the address that displays on the text box.
Placing a marker on Google Maps helps to validate the existence of your company to other business users. Your map will display on your “company page - members area”
If map is not displaying on your browser or if you cannot locate your address, tick this box and your map will not be displayed on your profile page

Company Social Media Channels url example:

Business Related Information

Annual turnover or revenue (US$) please select one *
Number of employees (exact / approximate) – please select one *
Industry where company operates – please select those that apply *
Other, Please specify:
Brief summary of company background and business activities (maximum 300 characters) *

Additional Information

Company snapshot (further information about the company, its activities and business) *
Company video or company video channel link (example:
Profile Picture :
Upload .. Max filesize: 400KB, Recommended image dimensions: 950x390 or 1600x390 pixels

Raise Capital, Seek for Grants or loans

supporting doc can be uploaded into this opportunity once account has been granted

Pursue a Partnership

supporting doc can be uploaded into this opportunity once account has been granted
Non permanent organizational commitments or combined services
Shared / transferred decision-making power
Creating a new structure to progress a program/project
Share grant or donation. Create a recipient/donor relationship
Provision of joint resources: facilities, staff, equipment
Grant provision and match in services, cash, supplies, or manpower

Countries for Partnerships

Provide Licensing Rights

supporting doc can be uploaded into this opportunity once account has been granted

Licensing Type

Target Industries

Countries for Licensing

Licensing Fee (US$)

Supply Provision

supporting doc can be uploaded into this opportunity once account has been granted


Target Industries

Countries for Provision

Provide Services

supporting doc can be uploaded into this opportunity once account has been granted

Service categories

Countries for Provision

Detailed Summary

General Info

Business Related Information


Raise Capital, Seek for Grants or loans

Pursue a Partnership

Provide Licensing Rights

Supply Provision

Provide Services

Terms and Conditions

I agree to the Terms and Conditions stated in this directory.
* Required fields.